Some helpful vex that I use on the daily
1: Center Pivot and Move to Origin
in a pointwrangle..
vector centroid = getbbox_center(0);
vector dist = centroid - 0;
v@P -= dist;
2: Random Normal
in a pointwrangle..
float nx = fit01(rand(@ptnum),-1,1);
float ny = fit01(rand(@ptnum+1),-1,1);
float nz = fit01(rand(@ptnum+2),-1,1);
3: Blend Positions
in a pointwrangle..
vector pos1 = v@P;
vector pos2 = point(1,"P",@ptnum);
float mixbias = chf("mix_bias");
4: Whitehair Setup
in a primwrangle...
if(rand(@id)<0.2){ i@whitehair=1; }else{ i@whitehair=0; }
5: Custom Width Along Curve
in a pointwrangle.. also needs a uvtexture node set to rows and columns running over points before it
float blend = chramp("blend",@uv[0]);
float width = chf("width");